Hair Growth

A lot of hair loss, let's see if life is stressful!


How stressful is life in modern society? Not only do you feel unbearable, but your hair also feels so.

In a survey on the causes of hair loss, most people felt that their hair loss was related to the stress of life. After living in a stressful environment for a long time, there would be three changes in the body that caused abnormal hair fall.

1. Disorders of blood circulation

The most direct manifestation of stress in life is psychological, irritability, tension, depression, etc. are all manifestations of stress, and when a person’s spirit is in such a bad mood for a long time, the muscle layer of the scalp tissue will contract and cause congestion and congestion. It will lead to poor blood flow, affect capillaries, cause local blood circulation obstacles, and it is not conducive to hair follicles to absorb nutrients, and hair will fall off for a long time.

2. Leading to the deterioration of the hair living environment

In the case of excessive mental stress, the body will have a series of reactions, such as excessive secretion of oil and sweat. Under long-term stress, the scalp will secrete too much oil, and the hair follicles will be blocked by oil, and because of the increase in oil It is more likely to be contaminated with bacterial dirt, resulting in a worsening of the environment of the scalp, preventing the hair from growing healthy and falling off.

3. Affect appetite

Stress can also affect appetite. When appetite is affected and there is no appetite for eating, the nutrition intake will be insufficient. In order to improve appetite, some fans may eat some stimulating foods. This will lead to unbalanced nutrition intake for a long time. And irritating food will stimulate the scalp to secrete more oil, which is not conducive to hair growth.

Stress can also lead to endocrine disorders, which can lead to hair loss. In addition, some people who are over-stressed may have mental problems such as trichotillomania, which is not conducive to hair growth. Therefore, friends who feel more stressful in life must learn to relieve and relax more to avoid losing hair.